One Reward Too Many By Harold Francis Sorensen Page 2
“Calling the cops might have been
up the line and didn’t mean a thing with
your cover-up in case they are caught and
anybody who knows you. But after a while
talk,” Zucker decided.
they got to higher-ups who have never seen
“I called cops because a man won’t try
you, and just on paper, it doesn’t look good.”
to shoot it out when he’s outnumbered, the
“Also, there’s an election about due,” I
way he will against one man.”
Zucker shrugged. I drifted out.
“That’s nothing to me,” Zucker said.
Mammoth Detective
IN THE street, I inhaled deeply through my
busy. If there was anything, I wanted to beat mouth. A dentist had told me that was a good them to it. I hired Apernik.”
way to overcome nausea.
“Why not one of our men?” I
I phoned the office, and learned that
demanded. “And why tell me to go after
Kinchel had gone home.
It was so long since I had thought of
“Who’ve we got you wouldn’t make a
Kinchel except as in the office, that my fool of?” He shot me a sharp look. “And I told memory of his residence had faded. But of
you to get on Apernik just to put you in
course I had the address in my notebook. I
action; I thought Apernik could learn more, believe in writing things. I opened the faster, that way.”
notebook and saw that he lived in a hotel, the
“Thanks,” I said, and of course not
Forest Arms.
getting the sincere sound into it that I
I rode past the hotel, I was thinking so
intended. “I’m ashamed how long it took me
hard, and had to ride back. The hotel was
to find out you’re a swell guy, Kink. So long.”
down a side street, and informal. I said I was I turned and hurried out. I had my
going up to see Kinchel and the desk clerk
mind made up to go home, and I did.
supplied the room number. As soon as I
knocked on his door, Kinchel said come in.
I ALWAYS wanted to go round to a side
He had one room, I saw at a glance,
door, when I entered the building, because the with a bed that folded up behind french doors, doorman made me feel that I was going in
and bath. Kinchel sat in a chair, shoes off, where I didn’t belong, in my clothes. The
black socks on his feet which rested on a same with the gang that was always in the
couch. Of all things, he was reading Variety, lobby, and the elevator. This was not the way which ordinarily I would certainly have for me to live, but there was nothing I could commented about.
do about it.
“Zucker hung out the score-board,” I
Harriett wasn’t home, of course. In our
apartment, it isn’t possible to guess when
Kinchel puffed rapidly on his cigar and
someone left; the dishes are always in the
stared at the floor. I’ve known him a good
sink, her clothes are all over, including the while, but that was the moment when I floor, and I don’t remember that there ever realized Kinchel is so softhearted that he’s was any cleaning done. I took my book and
defenseless; if you ask him, he has to give; his sat at the small kitchen table, started to write.
only hope is to act so cranky you won’t ask.
I can’t think, if I keep all the thoughts
And I’d always told myself he loaned me
in my head. After a while I get so my mind is money just to chain me to his agency. How
bunched up against my memory. Almost
good I used to think I was!
anyone, adding numbers, comes to the point
“You told me I was investigating where he has to write the numbers; I get that Apernik, and all the time he was digging into way with ideas. I have everything written in me,” I said. “Now Zucker tells me the cops are this big looseleaf book, all about Grogan, up trying to get me. Where do you stand, do you to the time that Harriett’s break enabled me to think I’m crooked?”
go upstairs and collide with him, and all about
“It’s not what I think.” Kinchel didn’t
Hudson, and characters between him and
look up and barely took the cigar out of his Teachman, and since Teachman. The
mouth. “It’s how I feel. I was trying to help characters I had looked for and never found, you, Willie. I got the tip that the cops are the cops had not considered, they thought I
One Reward Too Many
tried for three, and got three. Neither did they
“What about the money?” she
take into account the months between the demanded.
times I found those three. Also, few cops, I
“Kinchel won’t part with a cent. Now
hope, have the urgent need for money which
wait,” I said hastily, “I have my eye one
made me desperate. But when I wrote it all out twenty-five hundred bucks. Remember that
in my own way, I could see that on paper it Foxey Foley I was looking for? He’s in town didn’t look good.
and I know where, only I’m going to make
I turned the pages, and wrote about a
sure before I jump him. I’ve got to do some of fellow named Foxey Foley, whose case I have Kinchel’s work first, then I’m going after
in the book. He is wanted alive because of
Foley. I’ll take him myself, this time.”
information he possesses, and has a big
Her dark eyes darted to the book under
twenty-five hundred on his head. Harriett my arm. I put the book back in the bookcase.
came in and I wrote the end of the account, We stood looking at each other, we didn’t
stating that I’d traced Foley to 7911 know how to meet or to part any more, then I Grasslawn Drive.
grunted quietly, and walked out.
The apartment looked cheap with
Harriett in it, and no wonder, enough of our I WAS shaky and hollow-feeling but I
money was spent on her clothes and care so
couldn’t risk stopping for the cup of coffee I that it had to look cheap. But it’s spiteful to wanted so badly, even though I’d told her I say that; Harriett is beautiful; her hair is raven, had to do Kinchel’s work before I went after her skin pale, her features fine. Her looks Foley, in order to gain time. I needed the time dominated our lives, at least that was the way because I couldn’t afford fast transportation. I I figured it.
rode that bus out to Vernon Village again. It Harriett looks so much like a woman
was dusk when I got there, with the buttery of affairs and influence, that even she was yellow lights coming on in the houses,
impressed. She was in newspaper work, but
including Apernik’s. It wasn’t necessary that they could not see their way to giving her a Apernik be home, but since he was, it made
big job. She decided she ought to be a things easier. I had just posted myself where I commentator on the radio, and she quit the
could watch the house, when a taxi tore up to paper. This expensive apartment, her clothes, it, and as the cab pulled away I saw Apernik’s the entertaining and gadding-about, all the door open and a woman go into the house. I things which were drowning me in debt, were started straight for it, I knew that the moment for the sake of trying to get her that job.
Harriett started talking, Apernik would begin Of course I knew by this time that it
was never going to
happen; she had a
The door opened again and Apernik
particular kind of beauty which implied great stood in the light. He didn’t see me, but he intelligence, and Harriett is hardly more than called, “Come on in, Slate.”
smart. Besides, I imagine a commentator has I went on in.
to have feeling for the people whose plights he Harriett stood in the living room,
discusses, and Harriett has less feeling than looking stunned instead of stunning, for once.
intellect. Once in a while I’d suspect that she
“See?” Apernik gestured. “He tricked
knew too that she was wasting her time. you into this.”
Looking for the job had become her career. I Harriett had regained her poise; she
said nothing because I had nothing to offer took a cigarette and a lighter from her bag and her.
began smoking, glanced about as if selecting a
Mammoth Detective
comfortable chair.
before,” Apernik went on.
“Wait!” Apernik ordered. “I’m not “The night you sent him to Handsome Dan running an arena, so I’m asking you two to go.
Grogan’s apartment, Grogan was supposed to
We all know everything there is to be said.”
kill him. When Grogan came back to town as
Apernik turned to me. “The moment your wife a fugitive, he came to you, took an apartment came here asking for Foxey Foley, arguing
in your house. That must mean there was more there was no time to lose if he was to make a between you and Grogan than anyone ever
deal and a getaway, I knew that you either tell knew. You must have got Grogan’s money.
her everything or she has some method of
But why the two of you didn’t run off, instead learning what you have in mind.”
of trying to kill Slate, I don’t know.”
“I write it in a book,” I said. “If I’d got
“And have Willie on my trail and
killed any time, the information in the book Dan’s all our lives?” Harriett’s nail flicked would have helped the next dick on the job.”
against a cigarette. “He was insanely in love Apernik nodded disinterestedly. “Your
with me. I guess that was why I married him, wife sold you out to Hudson and Teachman.
that and the fact that I thought Dan was dead.
You arranged her visit here in order to prove it Besides, Willie was the only one suspected
to me. Now that you have proved it, there is Dan was in town.”
nothing to do about it. I shouldn’t have to
“Then you needed more money, and
listen to the family quarrel which is to you told Hudson that Slate was coming for follow.”
him,” Apernik sighed. “The same thing when
Harriett looked as if all this made he almost had Teachman.”
sense to her, and it certainly did to me,
“It wasn’t just the money,” Harriett
because I was wishing I wouldn’t have to
retorted. “It was the way I hated him. Do you listen to it either. I nodded, and turned to the think I was ever going to forgive him? Since door. . . .
the night he murdered Dan, the only thing I’ve wanted was to get away from him, but I didn’t I DON’T know if I heard the bang first, or felt dare because he’d have come after me.”
the effects first; although I knew a gun had
“And now what?” Apernik asked
gone off behind me, and that I felt odd, I
heavily. “Why did you kill him here?”
didn’t reduce it to the simple fact that I’d been
“Where else would I ever have as good
shot. I felt my hands slipping down the closed a chance?” Harriett demanded. “Hugo, I
door, but I argued that I had plenty of strength, couldn’t do it and get away with it without there was no reason why I should fall. Just the help, and your help is all I’d ever get. Hugo, same I found myself on my face, and the only you’ll cover up for me.”
feeling I had was in my cheek where the
She sounded as nearly coy and
carpet bristles touched it.
tempting as was possible for her, and Apernik, Before I could try to get up, something
as if to end her bad acting, said quickly, “Yes, heavy pressed on my back, flattening me. I
I’ll cover up for you. Leave the gun and get could see his shoes, and knew it was Apernik out of here. Have you any money?”
beside me. He took his hands from my back,
“Some.” Her voice chilled.
rolled me on my side, then let me flop over on
“Then tomorrow you’d better leave
my stomach again.
this part of the country,” Apernik advised.
“You’ve killed him this time,” Apernik
“The police advised Slate to go, and they’ll said.
think he has. Come, I’ll let you out the back, Harriett
it’s safer.”
One Reward Too Many
They walked to the back of the house;
to the waist. “I imagine you stepped between the door closed. When I heard Apernik’s us and kept her from putting enough slugs into footsteps, I started to get up.
me to make a sure job of it. To think that all He helped me.
she wanted was to get rid of me!”
“The bullet is high in your left
“I think I can take the slug out,”
shoulder,” he said. “I hope I handled the Apernik said, feeling around the wound. “I’ve situation satisfactorily. Let me get a look at done it before. And you can stay here as long the wound. She shot you with a forty-five. If as you like.”
she hadn’t been so close the bullet would have
“That’s going to be a long time,” I
gone through you.”
said. “From the minute I saw this place, it
“You handled it swell. Thanks. That
looked like home to me.”
was Grogan’s gun. I gave it to her.” I stripped