Strange Guardian by Carter Critz Detective Mystery Novels, Winter, 1948 Page 3
She may be more dangerous than you think.”
DOWNSTAIRS, Betty heard two quick shots
“Her?” Peter laughed. “She’s a plain
and then the sound of a body hitting the floor.
jane who’d fall for any line. Any old line.
The victim clawed at the boards and took his Take him upstairs and get the stuff. I don’t time about dying or passing out. Peter laughed even care if you bring him down again.”
Poked by the gun, Algar left the room,
“That’s the finish of your shadow.
Detective Mystery Novels
Which means Shelton got the stuff. I’m sorry stick close until those killers figured it was and all that, Betty. You wouldn’t have been a safe to start hunting the stuff.”
bad wife.”
She bowed her head. “I can hardly
There were deliberate steps descending
believe it. Peter and all.”
the staircase and a hoarse laugh.
Algar sat down beside her. “I knew he
Then Algar walked into the room and
was a crook. I really checked on him after you there was a gun in his fist. He said, “Peter, two met. I traced him back for three years, but you’re covered. Shelton isn’t dead. I didn’t not an inch further. He might as well have
want him to die. I’m not so fussy about you.
been born then for all his record showed. I
Will you drop the gun or take a bullet through thought he might be one means of getting you the back? I’m very obliging.”
out of this house. Shelton gained your trust, Peter drew himself erect. “I should made a nice deal so he’d come into possession have known better than to trust Shelton. of the place and could tear it down if he You’d never have got my gun away from me.”
“Shelton is still hanging onto his gun.
“And you got me a job with Shelton so
Last night I put mine in the hiding place
it would be easier for him to operate?”
because I figured something like this might
“He was afraid to make a move,”
happen. It’s a Mauser, Peter. It makes a very Algar explained. “And he wasn’t too certain
big hole in a man.”
about things. I got tired of waiting so I
Peter spun around. There were two wrangled a job for you so he’d have a made-shots. He fired neither one of them. He stood to-order opportunity to take a chance. I had to there, swaying a little, his gun slanted toward make him show his hand—to clear myself.”
the floor. He was trying to bring it up. Trying She leaned back and her eyes were dry
with all his strength, but there wasn’t much now. “I don’t know what to do, John.
left in him. He went down slowly, and the gun Everything is so upset.”
hit the floor. He was dead when he finally lay He said, “Why Betty, it’s quite simple.
huddled at Betty’s feet.
Shelton deeded a new house to you. It’s yours.
Algar used the phone after that. He
I’m going to miss trailing you. A fellow can’t took Betty into another room. Police came, in help but get to like a girl he has been
droves this time. Algar talked long and following for three years.”
earnestly to an Inspector. Shelton talked too,
“I don’t want you to follow me again,”
in between groans.
she said severely. “Not ever again, John
Algar walked into the room where Algar.”
Betty sat, silent and terrified. He opened his He turned away slowly. “That’s your
hand, and showed her a gold badge. “I got it privilege, Miss Talbot. Well, I’m a cop again.
back, Betty—a little rusty, but some polish
I never stopped being a cop.”
will shine her up nice and proper. You see, I She said, “I want you to walk beside
didn’t kill your father. We just had a grudge me from now on, John. Always beside me. A
against one another and those crooks made it girl can’t have a fellow tagging after her for pay off. Your father was on the trail of some three long years without—well—getting to
smuggled stones and found them, but the like him a little. And need him a lot.”
crooks got there too fast. I played it wrong.
Algar turned around swiftly.
Your father died, and I made up my mind to