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Payoff in Lead by John S
Payoff in Lead by John S Read online
Ghost, Super-Detective, January, 1940
Three Hundred Grand Is Worth Fighting for-But the Odds Against Terry Black Are Tremendous!
T HE man behind the wheel of the sedan for Women. At precisely seven o'clock the big drew up about a hundred yards from
gates swung open and a woman walked out.
the entrance to the State Penitentiary
She had a cheap suitcase in her hand. She
Ghost, Super-Detective
paused only a moment, spotted the car and
walked briskly toward it. Now and then she
“Then you drove somewhere, hid the
turned her head as if she expected to see
dough and tried a getaway that didn’t work,”
someone she feared.
Terry Black said without turning his head.
The car door opened. The girl peered
“You refused to squeal—said the boys must
inside and made sure it was occupied by only have hidden the money, and you took a three one man.
year rap. A dame like you would have got six
“Are you Terry Black?” she asked in a
months at the most if you’d talked,”
hoarse whisper.
“You’re psychic,” she said, and
“That’s me. Hop in and let’s get away
smiled. “Tell me more.”
from this joint. I don’t like prisons.”
“The dough is safely cached. Nobody
She got in beside him, studying his
but you knows where it is and you want me to rather good-looking features, though his hard-protect you until you can lay your hands on it.
boiled tagmark was pretty plain. He was, she Which means the cops will be watching you—
judged, about twenty-eight or nine, slender and so will the boys of the mob. What’s there and well dressed.
in it for me if we grab the stuff and get clear?”
“Neither do I like prisons,” she said,
“Ten percent,” she replied. “That’s not
with a smile as they sped away. “You ought to bad—because you’re only half right. The cops spend three years in one. Then you’d really think I told the truth about the rest of the mob hate ’em.”
having the money. I got the stretch because I He took a quick look at her. Joan wouldn’t tell who they were.”
Powers was not hard to look at—not even
Terry Black, hard-bitten private
after three years of prison work. Her blond detective looked down at the girl and smiled.
hair needed a permanent, but she had arranged
“It takes nerve to go through with a
it attractively enough. Her features were thing like that,” he said, admiringly. “I’m on regular and her lips vivid.
your side, Joan. Where do we go from here?”
“This is great,” she sighed, “riding in a
“I like the way you handle things and I
car again. Three years is a long time. I’m glad trust you—Terry Black. Maybe we can really you got my letter. I worried about that, with do some business with that money. Three
the prison censors.”
hundred thousand isn’t so bad. Or is it?”
Terry Black shrugged. “They’re a
Black stepped on the brakes and pulled
bunch of dopes. I got it okay and I knew what off the road.
you meant. Tell me the rest of it.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” he
said flatly. “What’s the next move? So far as SHE looked at him steadily, wondering if she I’m concerned, we’re partners in a deal. My could trust this man. Private detectives were take is ten percent—as usual. I’m no
usually not above taking everything they hijacker.”
could lay hands on. Yet she had to chance it.
He reached for the brake and tensed. A
“Three years ago, as you know, I drove
car was slipping up behind them—a small car a car that was used in a stickup. The boys with only one man in it. He was already
grabbed three hundred thousand dollars, climbing out and a gun glistened in his fist.
tossed it in the car and we made a run for it.
Terry Black moved fast. He reached down
But the fools had killed two people in the bank beside the wheel and grabbed a gun from a
and the cops came like a swarm of bees. The spring holster fastened under the dash. With boys got out, trusted me with the money and the same motion he flipped off the safety,
Payoff in Lead
pushed open the door and vaulted out. A gun Black with a cunning look.
cracked and the bullet smashed into the fender
“How does it feel to be a cop killer?”
of the car.
she asked pointedly.
Black fired—three rapid shots. The
“I don’t feel any different. And what
approaching gunman spun on his heel, swayed are you asking crazy questions for?”
a little and then plunged to the road.
Joan pushed blond hair up under her
“Wh-who is he?” Joan asked hat.
breathlessly. “Wait! I’ll come out.”
“Maybe you’ll do just as I say—or the
Black reached out his hand to help her
cops might get a nice little phone call. You out of the car. They made certain no other going to play ball?”
traffic was coming along the lonesome road Black grimaced. “Did I say I
and then stepped cautiously toward the man wouldn’t? But listen, Joan, don’t take me for who lay on his face in the dirt. Black kept his any sucker. You’re a paroled convict. Any
gun ready, taking no chances. He turned the crime you commit isn’t petty and because you man over and grunted as he slid a hand under were in this car with me, you’ll burn, too—if the fallen man’s shirt.
they land us. Swallow that and shut up.”
Joan drew back a step with a little cry
Joan’s hand shook enough to
of fear.
extinguish the match she had raised to a
“Know him?” Black asked her. “He’s
dead, so don’t worry about him if he’s one of
“I was only kidding, Terry. I—I
the mob.”
wanted to see how you’d react. Listen! You
“I—I never saw him before in my and I have three hundred thousand dollars—
life!” Joan cried. “I—I don’t think he’s one of three hundred grand! We can get it and jump the boys.”
the country. How does that sound?”
“Until the dough is in my hands and
BLACK placed his gun on the dead man’s
we’re on a boat five hundred miles from port, chest and began searching the body. He it sounds crazy. I... Duck!” Black ground out grunted again and straightened up, taking the the last word. “There’s a bus pulling out of a gun along.
side road. I might have known those mugs
“You dope,” he growled at the girl.
would lay in wait for us.”
“This guy was a copper. See the badge? A
Joan all but swallowed her cigarette as
detective-sergeant. Now we’re in for it! He she slid beneath the dash. Terry Black laid his must have tailed us, and how do we know he gun on the seat beside him, grasped the wheel didn’t report the car—or me too, for that with both hands and gave the car every ounce matter? We’ve got to get out of here.”
of speed she h
ad. The car following rolled
“And—and leave him there—like along, losing little ground.
that?” Joan pointed a trembling finger.
Ahead of them city lights created a
“What do you want me to do?” Black
rosy glow against the cloudy sky. Black wet demanded irascibly. “Lift him up and do a
his lips, took the next corner on two wheels, Lambeth Walk? He’s dead, I tell you, and
zigzagged madly and tramped on the brake.
there’ll be more of his breed along any He turned sharply, drove up on a newly minute. Get in that bus.”
mowed lawn, made a complete sweep and
She popped into the car and they drove
headed out again.
off with a clashing of gears. For two miles The pursuing car swept around the
neither said a word. Then Joan eyed Terry
corner at full speed. It rocked dangerously,
Ghost, Super-Detective
landed back on all four wheels and the brakes He parked the car in a dark section of
began to screech. Terry Black shot away from the street, helped Joan out and led her toward that yard, headed toward the city. He turned a large, fifteen-story apartment building. He out of the side street and before the pursuers’
started her through the revolving doors,
car could turn, he was within the limits and paused outside a moment and looked around
making fancy turns to throw anyone off his carefully. Then he went in.
When they reached the apartment.
“Boy!” Joan said fervently. “That was
Joan surveyed it with wide eyes. It was nice!
driving. We steered ’em off all right. That was Terry Black had a reputation for doing things Mar—” She bit her lip in exasperation. “That the whole way. Furnishings were new and of was the boys. They’re after me and they’ll the best. There was food enough in the kitchen stick. What are we going to do, Terry?”
for a month.
“Run for it to a neat little hideout I’ve
Joan studied the private detective a
picked. I figured this might happen, so I moment,
“Terry—you’re worried. Do
rented an apartment.”
you think things are as bad as that?”
“You think of everything, don’t you?
“Worried?” Black grimaced. “Not me.
It’s all right with me. We need a hideout.”
Not after having just knocked off a cop and And Black added grimly: “One error
taken a powder from three or four of your old now means either the chair for both of us, or a playmates. Now let’s get down to business,”
blast of lead from the guns of your former
“What’s the hurry?” she asked. He
pals. You positive you know where that dough reached up and took her hand. “We’ve got to is hidden? Nobody could have grabbed it make a try for the dough. This hideout is only during those three years you were cooped in case we can’t connect right away. Why not up?”
get started now?”
“I’m positive I know where it is and
Joan stood up. “What’s the rush?” she
I’m ten times more positive that it hasn’t been asked idly. “I’ve thought it all out. When you found,” she answered quickly.
have three years to concentrate on one subject, you generally get it straight. If we don’t make BLACK spoke without looking at her.
a move, the boys will think I got the money
can’t visit this and escaped. After awhile they’ll relax. The hiding place where you put the money until cops will stop looking for you and we can
we’re certain we’re not watched. It’s going to walk out, pick up the money and get away
be tough fighting the cops and those hoods clean. Meanwhile this is a perfect spot. You too. Trouble is, somebody may have snitched.
don’t know how perfect because you haven’t Did you talk in prison?”
spent thirty-six long months in an eight-foot
“Not much. A girl’s got to talk, Terry.
cell. And stop worrying. The wrinkles are half I only said I was getting a good private an inch deep in your forehead.”
detective to protect me. Maybe I mentioned He began pacing the floor.
your name once or twice.”
“I can see your side of it,” he
Black groaned. “Then we’re in for it.
mumbled, “and I give you credit for being
They’ll have checked on me, perhaps found I smooth enough to think it up. But me—I’ve
rented this apartment. They’ll pay us a visit if got to have action. I just can’t wait around. If that’s the case. But with three hundred grand the cops ever track down this place, our
waiting, I’ll leave those birds, far behind, Here number is up. I’m worrying about you, too.
we are.”
They won’t give you the slightest break.
Payoff in Lead
When I got this place, I didn’t figure on absolutely no color to his lips.
killing a cop. How about it? Let’s get going.”
Terry and Joan raised their hands.
She shook her head and lit a cigarette.
“Marco!” Joan cried with forced
“No, Terry, I’ve been cooped up too
eagerness. “Am I glad to see you! Terry Black long not to enjoy this place, We’re perfectly has been trying to find you for the last week. I safe here and we’ll stay—until I give the
wanted things to be all set when I got out, so word. I’ll promise you this: If anything we could get the money. Gosh, Marco, it’s happens, I’ll take you to the hiding place in good to see you again.”
thirty or forty minutes.”
“Yes it is,” Marco drawled
He glared at her and then shrugged.
sarcastically. “You’d rather see anybody in the
“You hold all the cards. I’m nothing but a world but me. And don’t try the hokum, Joan.
stooge for a blonde.”
You pulled that plenty when you ran with my
“But a beautiful blonde,” she purred
boys. You two-timed us and it’s going to get and smiled up at him.
you one nice hot wad of lead—unless you
He laughed at that one as he walked
over to the window and stood staring down at Terry Black stepped forward and
the street through a slit in the curtains.
Marco slugged him with the barrel of his gun.
Black calmly wiped blood off his face.
JOAN flung her cigarette down angrily and
“You and your gunnie are a pair of
fools,” he told Marco. “Joan’s on the level.
“Anybody would think I was poison!”
We even had to knock off a copper so there she raged. “Stop worrying, will you, or you’ll wouldn’t be a trail for ’em to follow. The have me wearing out a path in the rug.”
dough is safe and ready for a split. How many
“Quiet!” He held up his hand, ways I don’t know, because Joan hasn’t told checking any further flow of irate words. me how many of your boys were in that
“There’s a bus just pulled up—a big black one stickup.”
just like the sedan we got away from. Joan,
“Nice little place you got here, Joan.”
when you talked in prison, you spilled too Marco disregarded Terry’s words and looked much. Those hoods checked on me—found
around approvingly. Then he snarled: “Come I’d hired this place. Now they’ve spotted my on, Black, spill it! Where’s the dough
car. We’ve got to—”
bsp; “Turn around and grab yourself a
The detective shrugged. They were
chunk of ceiling,” a voice rasped from behind getting careless now. Only that flour-faced them.
mug by the door worried him. Terry Black had They turned swiftly. Two men were
a hunch that hood would shoot and would
inside the room. They had opened the door
glory in the sight of his victim slumping to the with some kind of a pass key and floor. Marco was too busy watching Joan to be accomplished it so noiselessly that neither as great an immediate danger as White Face.
Terry nor Joan had even heard the scrape of
“Well?” Marco demanded of Black.
metal against metal.
“Do you talk or do I let Smalley blow your The larger man was a huge fellow with
damned head off?”
bristling eyebrows and thick, wide lips. His
“I don’t know where the stuff is,”
companion was small, seemed almost Black said steadily. “Joan didn’t tell me. In shriveled beside him. His mouth was a gash fact, she refused point-blank. Said she
cut through milk-white flesh. There was wouldn’t talk until you got here. This is a fine
Ghost, Super-Detective
way to show your appreciation, Marco. We
They ran up the stairs until they
could have lammed after we left you high and reached the top floor, panting. A narrow
dry down that side street.”
stairway leading to the skylight was fully